Cosmic Delights
Abalone Shell
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Beautiful Abalone Shells For Your Smudging Rituals & Air Purification
Did you know that research has proven that burning sage removes bacteria in the air? In fact, a whopping 94% of bacteria in the air is removed with smudging!
Smudging is a sacred tradition that has been practiced throughout history and across cultures. The “Sacred Smoke Bowl Ritual” is typically performed at the beginning of a ceremony to clear out negativity and create space for healing.
Abalone shells are often used as tools to perform smudging rituals. Their very practical use is as a bowl to catch hot cinders and hold what remains of the smudging stick after it’s burnt.
Abalone shells are also a gift from the sea and, thus, symbolically represent the water element while the unlit herbs represent earth, the lit herb represents fire and the smoke represents air. In this way, the act of smudging invites Mama Gaia into the center of the ceremony to hold space for any transformations that will occur.
Size: Large Appx 6" x 4"